"He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire." Mt. 3:11

"for our God is a
consuming fire.” Heb. 12:29

"He makes the winds His messengers, His ministers flames of
fire." Psalm 104:4

Friday, June 19, 2009

Now, Lord, Consider Their Threats

VOM-USA Prayer Update for June 19, 2009
From The Voice of the Martyrs - USA
Yesterday at 10:47pm
NEPAL - Extremists’ Warn Believers – VOM Sources

UPDATE: On June 10, The Voice of the Martyrs received a copy of a letter from the Nepal Defense Fund (NDF), threatening to bomb 10 Christian homes in Nepal, if believers did not leave in 30 days, according to The Voice of the Martyrs contacts. The letter written by R.P. Mainali, the supreme commander of the NDF, published in a local newspaper, said the Nepalese government should not have released 62 Christians, in 1989 and 1990, who had been jailed for actively proselytising. The letter warned that these Christians, who have continued their work, were threatening Hinduism. “We are giving these unholy elements who are grabbing the authority of the people of the country under the cloak of religion, a notice of one month to leave the country, otherwise we will explode 10 bombs in the homes of 10 Christians in Nepal, for which we take responsibility in advance,” the NDP letter said. The Voice of the Martyrs encourages you to pray for believers in Nepal who are living under these threats. Ask God to protect them and for their courageous testimony to draw non believers into fellowship with Christ.

"'Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak Your word with great boldness. Stretch out Your hand to heal and perform miraculous signs and wonders through the name of Your Holy Servant Jesus.'
After they had prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly." Acts 4:29-31

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