"He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire." Mt. 3:11

"for our God is a
consuming fire.” Heb. 12:29

"He makes the winds His messengers, His ministers flames of
fire." Psalm 104:4

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Jesus is My Everything

"He (Jesus) is the Life that I want to live.
He is the Light that I want to radiate.
He is the Love with which I want to love.
He is the Joy that I want to share.
He is the Peace that I want to sow.
Jesus is everything to me.
Without Him, I can do nothing."
Mother Teresa of Calcutta

"I grew up in Sunday school, memorized the Golden Rule
and how Jesus came to set the sinner free.
I know the story inside out
I can tell you all about the path that led Him up to Calvary.
But ask me why He loves me and I don't know what to say,
I never be the same because,
He changed my life when He became...
Everything to me,
More than a story,
More than words on a page of history.
He's the air that I breathe,
The water I thirst for,
And the ground beneath my feet...
He's everything, everything to me."
Avalon "Everything to Me"

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